When the democrats moved their convention forward, their sanction from the DNC was for all their delegates to be rules invalid. There hence has been no campaigning or advertising in Michigan from the Democratic Party, leaving independent voters the choice to choose "none of the above" on the Democratic ballot (as none of the major candidates is on the papers, bar Hillary) or turn their attention to the Republican Race, and make their mark on the battle between McCain and Romney. The independents came hard for McCain in New Hampshire, but this is Romney's fathers' state, and he should pray for a win that keeps him in the game. He would hope that his father's brand flows down even now. If he doesn't poll well, he's dead man walking.
First Wave of Exit Polls
Per Ambinder:
GOP Primary Voters: 68% Republican, 25% Indy, 7% Dem
Majority of GOP primary voters say economy the #1 issue
More (57%) care about stance on issues than leadership qualities (40%)
44% say they decided in the final week
Update 2:
Democrats want a contest!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Michigan Only Matters to the Republicans
Posted by Pundit at 9:41 AM
Labels: GOP, John McCain, Michigan, Mitt Romney, Primary, United States