Mitt Romney won convincingly in his birth state, beating elder senator John McCain into second, to really throw open the nominations field for the Republican presidential nomination.
- Romney: 38.92%
- McCain: 29.67%
- Huckabee: 16.1%
- Paul: 6.27%
- Thompson: 3.7%
- Giuliani: 2.75%
- Hunter 0.33%
On the Republican side, as noted previously, Hillary's only danger was to be outpolled by the 'uncommitted' voters (ie not Hillary or anyone else on the ballot), and she saw that off easily, taking over half of the vote. The nearest actual candidate was Dennis Kucinich on 3.66%.
Romney's victory speech.
Guess what they're -- guess what they're doing in Washington?They're worrying.
Because they realize -- the lobbyists and the politicians realize that America now understands that Washington is broken and we're going to do something about it.
You see, America -- America understands that Washington has promised that they'd secure our borders, but they haven't.
Washington told us that they would live by high ethical standards, but they haven't.
Washington told us that they'd fix social security, but they haven't
Washington told us that they'd get us better health care and better education, but they haven't.
Washington told us they'd get us a tax break for the middle income Americans, but they haven't.
Washington told us that they'd cut back on the earmarks and the pork barrel spending, but they haven't.
And Washington told us they'd reduce our dependence on foreign oil, but they haven't.
And who is going to get the job done? We are.
American voters said that knowing how America works is more important than knowing how Washington works. And what we're going to see in the next few days is the Democrats saying that they're the party of change.
And I think they would bring change to the America -- just not the kind we want. You see, I think they take their inspiration from the Europe of old -- big government, big brother, big taxes. They fundamentally in their hearts believe that America is great because we have a great government. And we do have a great government, but that's not what makes us the best nation, the strongest nation, the greatest nation on earth. What makes this such a great nation is the American people. I take my inspiration from Ronald Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush.